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Facing a legal issue can be stressful and confusing. At Delk 4 Law, we understand that. That's why we've compiled this FAQ page to address some of the most common questions our clients ask. We want to empower you with knowledge.

Browse through the questions below, and if you don't find what you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact us. We're always here to help you navigate the legal system with confidence.

  • What does a closing attorney do?
    The closing attorney’s office is responsible for two primary things: researching the property to ensure it can be transferred to the new owner without legal issue; and bringing together all the parties (buyer, seller, lender, etc.) to execute the necessary documents to transfer property and distribute funds to the correct parties and stakeholders.
  • Do I need a closing attorney for my purchase?
    Under NC law, a licensed attorney is required for all real estate purchase closings. For a refinance or home equity loan, the lender usually requires an attorney, but not always. Having an attorney would be a good idea anyway as the attorney can ensure there are no “title defects” on the property and all the paperwork is executed correctly.
  • I’m the seller – do I need my own attorney?
    It depends. Typically an attorney cannot represent multiple parties in a matter (it can create a “conflict of interest”), but real estate transactions are special: all parties want the closing to take place as contemplated by the purchase contract. Because of this, closing attorneys can represent both the buyer and the seller (in a limited way). The closing attorney, who primarily represents the buyer, can also represent the seller in preparing the necessary transfer documents, explaining the process, and answering any questions. But a seller can always hire their own attorney, who would work closely with the closing attorney throughout the process.
  • What is Qualia?
    Qualia is the closing software we use. Unlike the more common SoftPro closing software, Qualia is a fully integrated system, providing an encrypted messaging system, calendaring, secure document sharing, and importantly for the parties, a so-called “pizza tracker” function to allow the parties to see where in the process their closing is. As a party to the transaction, you’ll have an opportunity on your own time to review your personal information and preferences, and make corrections as necessary, making multiple phone calls back and forth unnecessary. We love our secure, seamless, and mostly paperless system!
  • How soon can my closing be?
    Again, it depends. Most closings take place within 45 days of the offer to purchase. Cash closings (transactions without a lender) can be much faster. Timing is often contingent on completing the survey (if needed), the appraisal, and the inspection.
  • What does a closing cost?
    The lender has its own costs and fees, but we charge a base cost of $950.00 for most cash closings and $1250.00 for lender closings. These fees do not include other costs which may be associated with the transaction, such as wire fees, overnight package fees and recording costs.
  • Why does Delk 4 Law cost more than other attorneys in town?
    At Delk 4 Law, we believe in quality and value above all else. We use better software and spend more time on each file to ensure the process is correct the first time, without unnecessary delays. Having the attorney be intimately involved in every case also necessitates additional expense, but the quality and assurances this provides means the value to our clients far exceeds our higher cost.
  • Does Delk4Law provide estate planning services?
    Yes! But we limit our wills to only one, and we feel our simple will addresses 90% of the people in need of a will. For more complicated estate planning, we will be glad to refer you to one of the other local attorneys who focus on estate planning.
  • Will I get to see the Closing Disclosure before my actual closing?
    Under law, the lender is required to send you the Closing Disclosure three business days prior to the scheduled closing. We are always happy to provide the final Closing Disclosure as well, so don’t hesitate to ask!
  • Who do I make the Earnest Money Deposit check to?
    You can make all payments to "Delk 4 Law." For earnest money deposits, these can be cash, certified funds, wires or even personal checks. But for "Cash to Close" amounts due at closing, these must be paid in cash, wire or certified funds (bank check, cashier's check, money order). If you plan to wire any funds to us, simply ask for wire instructions.
  • I have questions beyond these FAQs.
    We are available via phone, email and text, and strive to return a voicemails by the end of the business day. You can also send us secure messages through the Connect portal. Please see the Contact page and business hours for our availability.
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